PGdebt 9 trigger figures updates

NB. This page only applies to PGdebt 9 users.
PGdebt 8 has different triggers which are no longer updated by MAT and PGdebt 7 and earlier do not use the trigger figures at all.

How does the trigger update work with PG9 ?
Most users need do nothing at all, this page is for information only
The Money Advice Trust updates their trigger figures from time to time. PGdebt will download the new figures when they are available and replace the existing ones for all new cases from that date onwards. The older figures cannot be used again for new cases, though they will remain in use in existing cases which have already been set up using them. These older cases can easily be updated to the latest figures, but this must be done on an individual basis...see below.

CFS numbering system
The system currently in use on PG9 is slightly different to the MAT one to allow for 2 sets of changes in one year.
The version is the year followed by the month so the figures starting in Sept 2012 will be version 201209.

NB. The explanations and pictures below show the update to Version 10 in 2011, but the principles still apply to all subsequent updates

How will I know the new triggers have been downloaded ?
For more information you can also click the 'About' menu item on the top menu
NB.    It's past the due date and the triggers have not been downloaded ?
How do I update an existing client to the latest figures ?
My version of PGdebt 9 does not use the Internet, what should I do ?

How will I know the new triggers have been downloaded ?
PG9 tells you what the current triggers are in a box at the foot of the client data window.

Ver 201104 triggers downloaded and in use for all new cases

For more information you can also click the 'About' menu item on the top menu

Below the 'about' box shows the new 201104 triggers in use now and nothing waiting
This is what the about box looks like after the start date for the new triggers

It's past the due date and the triggers have not been downloaded ?
If you are SURE the triggers are not downloaded (check the 'about' box above) then it is possible that the download system has been disabled. To check this Click
Options/supervisor/misc and make sure the checkbox has a tick in it to allow updates.
If you set the 'update every' box to zero, it will update on every start up...restart PG9 to update at once...set this back to 7 when the update is complete to avoid too frequent checking

How do I update an existing client to the latest figures ?
First, be aware that this procedure cannot be reversed so be quite sure that moving to the latest triggers is what you definitely wish for this client

Then RIGHT click on the I/E grids or choose from the bottom item on the 'FS' menu
Either of these will bring up a dialog box to allow you to update this client only to the latest triggers if this is possible
PGFS clients (yellow background) cannot be changed to the CFS

Changing from Version 2010 Version 201104 triggers is simple.
But changing from Version 3 requires you to re-type all income and expenditure items. Cases which were set up with PG8 will be using Version 3 triggers and the way the triggers are calculated and the CFS headings and sections have changed since then. You will be warned if it is going to be necessary to re-type the income and expenditure items individually.

My version of PGdebt 9 does not use the Internet, what should I do ?
Ther are a very small number of users who have an specialised version of PG9 which does not update over the internet. We have contacted all users in this situation directly

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